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Winners - May 2024

Best Picture

Don't Die Hard - Tigran Sargsyan

Best Narrative Film

Paper Flowers - Todd Lien

Best Indie Film

Wine In Time - Joshua Stevenson, Jack Linsdell

Best Drama

Ray Adelson - Yan Zi

Best Comedy

Don't Die Hard - Tigran Sargsyan

Best Web/TV Pilot

Post 2019 - Katrina Lena

Best Documentary

The Missing Weeks - Ali Diab

Best Animation

Mirage - Hanson Ma, Jeffrey Su, Michael Wang

Best First Time Director

Whippy - James Rooke

Best Actress

Don't Die Hard - Kirsten Bloom Allen

Best Supporting Actor

HAV (The Sea) - Jimmy Jason Råbjerg

Best Young Actress

Paper Flowers - Sylvia Ye

Best Score

A Red Rose For My Love - Jasper Ku

Best Original Story

Post 2019 - Katrina Lena

Screenplay of the Month

Sherwood Knights - Michael Sollars, Geoffrey Sollars, Eric Sollars

Best Feature Screenplay

Sherwood Knights - Michael Sollars, Geoffrey Sollars, Eric Sollars

Best Short Screenplay

Long Way Home - Terry Luke Podnar

Best Drama Screenplay

Direct Action - Tor Kristoffersen

Best First Time Screenwriter (Short)

EL MALE - Leonardo Mileikowsky, David Mileikowsky

Best Television Script

BILLYBALL - Charles Petrilla

Special Jury Award

The Labyrinth - Nicholas J Szegedi

Don't Die Hard - Trailer

* Winners may order a review at www, - FilmFreeway Gold members get $50 off.

* Winners may order a statuette for themselves and their team, for $290. Order here:

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