Film Review: Wheel Gone Kid

Wheel Gone Kid is a short comedy written by Keith Large and directed by Wayne Kelly.
Starring Rita Jagpal-Mohan and Reece Jagpal-Mohan, Wheel Gone Kid tells the story of Aki and his mother, Yoshe, as the two are about to go to a party. While the mother is getting ready, her kid has other plans: he is concentrating on the game on his cell phone and does not seem interested in leaving the house, at least not for the party.

Once Yoshe gets back from the shower, she doesn't find her car keys. She asks him if he's seen the keys, but Aki is focused on his game. "I'm playing my game!", he shouts from the living room. When the mother goes downstairs to the living room, she does not find Aki. "There's no time for hide and seek," she says. Moments later, she looks at the window and sees her vehicle driving from the parking lot to the road. She calls Aki, and asks: "Where are you?!". Then we see Aki in the car as he takes off from his shoes two pieces of plastic that were used by him for the game and replies: "Mom, you made me lose my game."

Rita and Reece, who are also a mother and son in reality, work beautifully together in their first appearance in a film, even though they do not physically meet even once in the film.
Wheel Gone Kid was independently produced, during the Covid-19 outbreak of 2020, a time of struggle for many filmmakers who weren't able to create new materials, and for that its creators are commendable. The photography is good (Matt Holt), as is the amusing music at the end, which is reminiscent of the familiar melodies from old computer games (and we will also mention the end credits that are designed in the form of the classic computer games).

This little film depicts the gap between the real and practical world, of adults, and the imaginary and creative world of children, with the child's developed imagination leading him to act outside of the game in which he plays on his mobile phone.
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